Badeo’s Main Activities
We carry out activities in the field of education, intercultural dialogue and professional upskilling guided by a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach: our work is based on the provision of vocational and educational pathways for school-age young people and adults and of training opportunities for teachers and school staff through internships, active training activities, structured courses and job shadowing.
In particular, thanks to our extensive network of organisations, local companies and professionals, we are able to tailor mobility activities according to the specific competences and learning expectations of the participants also by carefully assessing the individual’s knowledge and competences.

Badeo’s Approach
For the implementation and management of each training activity, we take care of every aspect of individual mobility, providing logistical services, food and accommodation for participants, and providing organisational and individual mentoring and support before, during and after the mobility.
Following a participative approach, we provide internship opportunities and training programmes customised to the participants’ needs and aspirations.
We fully support partner organisations at every stage of their project cycle, including planning, monitoring, evaluation and certification of training activities and learning outcomes.
Use of the Programme Funding
Our training courses are tailored to be fully funded by Erasmus+ and we offer different options to ensure that the grant will be sufficient. In addition, we can offer discounted fares that can fully optimize the use of Project funding and allow the participation of as many beneficiaries as possible. Our mobility options include:
- Individual and organizational support (comprising pre-departure meeting and training activities, assistance to Project coordinators, h24 tutoring for mobility participants, monitoring and evaluation actvities, dissemination of Project initiatives and results, follow-up);
- Outward and return trip with different travel solution;
- Personalized training programme and stage matching;
- Welcome Pack;
- Certification;
- Accommodation in single or multiple rooms;
- Full pension (3 meals per day);
- Guided tours and paid entrance in the city’s monuments and other recreational and cultural activities;

- Subscription to local transports for trainers and school staff.
- Based on specific preferences and Budget requirements, it’s possible to request different services and solutions.In base a specifiche preferenze e alla disponibilità di budget, è possibile richiedere servizi e soluzioni aggiuntive.

A cosmopolitan city, thanks to its many cultural influences, it can certainly rank among the most multi-ethnic in the Iberian Peninsula. Seville features numerous landmarks and historical attractions, such as the Cathedral, the Torre del Oro, Plaza de España and the Giralda, but also has a network of maze-like lanes where visitors can immerse themselves in the city’s liveliest traditions. Located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, Seville has inherited its rich Arab heritage and its former status as a prosperous trading port with the colonies of America. Culture and art are distinctive traits, many artistic personalities have developed here: from Murillo to Velazquez, and many other writers who were not born here but who were greatly influenced by this city such as Lorca or Cervantes (it is said, in fact, that Don Quixote was written from the Seville prison where Cervantes was imprisoned!).
Cultural Experiences
Thanks to our network of contacts, we offer a wide range of cultural activities to enrich participants’ mobility experience. In our previous projects, we have organised:
- cruises to the Guadalquivir River;
- visits to museums and other places of interest such as the Real Alcázar in Seville, the Cathedral and the Giralda, Museo de Bellas Artes;
- city tours (Barrio de Triana and Barrio de Santa Cruz);
- visits to other schools, companies and local craft centres
- shows and cultural events.
In addition to the organised activities, Seville offers a wide variety of stimulating activities that will make the experience meaningful in your free time: Andalusians and Sevillians have a great spirit of sharing, spending a lot of time out with friends and family.

Our Venues
Participants will be accommodated in affiliated and selected residences in the city of Seville with lodging in single or multiple rooms according to a precise accommodation plan, defined on the basis of the target group of the activities, with full respect for individual privacy and with a view to sustainable and optimal use of project funds.
The residences are brand new, offer common and recreational areas and host students and trainers from all over the world. The co-habitation with multiple cultures is made up of shared rules, practices and behaviours that contribute to improving the participants’ sense of responsibility and adaptation as well as the degree of emancipation of young people and students. All our affiliated residences offer services of:
- Full pension or, in case of need, Take Away service upon 24-hour notice;
- Use of the laundry service, at the established times;
- Use of common areas, at the established times;
- Free-access swimming pool and relaxation areas;
- Fitness and gym facilities.

We can organise all types of activities under the Erasmus+ KA1 programme, in the VET, SCHOOL and ADULT Education sectors:
– Short and long-term traineeships (from 1 week up to 12 months) aimed at students of school age enrolled in a vocational programme and/or youngsters and adults not engaged in a work pathway;
– Short and long-term training activities (1 week up to 12 months) aimed at school-age learners, young people and adults not engaged in a training pathway;
The training activities will be shaped according to the participants’ course of study, project objectives and the specific needs of the sending institution. Here is a list of features common to all pathways:
- Group size: up to 30 participants;
- Participants will be awarded a final certificate corresponding to the training course;
- Classes will be held in the morning or afternoon, depending on classroom availability.
Barrio de oportunidades
Badeo’s mission
Barrio de Oportunidades (BaDeO) is a training centre that strongly believes in the innovation, modernisation and internationalization of education by proposing itself as a hosting partner for Erasmus mobility projects run by schools, training providers and other organisations engaged in social promotion and formal and non-formal education for young people, adults and staff. BaDeO’s mission is to improve the quality of education in Europe, contributing to the realisation of the European Education Area, fostering the exchange of good practices and innovation in education and training, reducing the skill mismatch in the local and European labour market also by promoting the internationalisation and harmonization of professional figures within the EU for both young and adult learners.

Badeo’s experience
Ever since it was funded, BaDeO has developed considerable experience in planning educational activities that correspond as closely as possible to the needs and dispositions of the target groups and to the objectives of both its own educational initiatives and the projects of the partner institutions and organisations. Specifically, the organisation has contributed to the implementation, in all its phases, and to the success of numerous Erasmus initiatives and, in particular, of short- and long-term mobilities in school and vocational education of young people, adults and training staff (KA1) and of strategic partnerships for innovation and exchange of good practice in the European educational area (KA2). Since 2023, the organization has managed numerous mobility activities involving individuals and groups of school-age pupils, university students and adult learners as well as school-based and vocational training staff engaged in structured courses, job shadowing and work visits.